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You searched for: superman

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  • Superman has muscle spasms and destroyed a city street.
  • Dry cleaner mixes up Darth Vader's dry cleaning with Superman's, as Darth Vader dons Superman's cape.
  • Superman in doctor's office explains it takes him two bounds to leap tall buildings.
  • Since Superman can use his X-Ray vision to see his gifts, his wife doesn't see the point.
  • The Human Torch is voted off of Survivor Super Heroes.
  • Superman plays golf at the Grand Canyon, but doesn't replace his divot.
  • Superman has to stop trusting people as far as he can throw them.
  • A newspaper has a list of real super heroes.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • Superman uses his X-Ray vision to look into the sorority house across the street.
  • No one realizes Superman's strength until he plays Pull My Finger.
  • Lois Lane marries Superman.

You searched for: superman