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You searched for: store

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  • Supermarket produce bins sell habanero, poblano, cayenne & invisible ghost pepper varieties.
  • Construction workers complete Ikea store build but have unused leftover parts afterwards.
  • Annoyed sun recognizes lady hidden under sun hat, unsatisfied customer returns it to store.
  • Dog walking on leash says it loves world of funny looking dogs mirror shop.
  • Man & cat shopping at tech store tell salesperson they want a powerful & comfortable laptop.
  • Impatient criminal waits as confused executioner assembles messed up Ikea guillotine wrong.
  • Cellphone’s online weather forecasts high, low & cold grocery store temperatures.
  • Xmas mall Santa Claus tells women when asleep wool blanket makes her sweat & drools laying on stomach.
  • Hand baskets store cashier says Satan demon buying hand-basket is best customer.
  • Grocery store witch shops for eyes of newts egg carton potion ingredients.
  • Music shop repairs broken instrument strings for pirate with hook hand fingers again.
  • Office supply store tests acid free printer papers pee for LSD drugs in backroom.

You searched for: store