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You searched for: singers

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  • Human body organs rock musicians tell heart drummer prefer it doesn’t skip heartbeat rhythm.
  • Punk rock musician woodchuck performs onstage concert for Groundhog Day fans audience crowd.
  • Thanksgiving leftovers and next course dessert pies bands perform onstage for cheering concert fans.
  • Bad music performance causes violent angry tomatoes’ gory smashed food fight chaos.
  • Trick or treater in cellphone costume tells scared man his favorite celebrity is trending on social media.
  • Scary movie monsters listen to zombie slow jams, swamp creature, surf, mad scientist experimental and Friday the 13th Jason deep cuts musical styles.
  • Single celled musician sings break up song while ex splits dividing cell.
  • Autocorrected Xmas spelling parodies Santa Claus cat paw sanitizer, Rudolph rude Frozen snowman Olaf, Elvis Presley elves & frothy Frosty face beer mug.
  • Annoyed female bird thinks male’s bad karaoke song is worse than his mating dance.
  • Parrot guitarist tells bird concert audience the next song isn’t original either.
  • Coffee cup guitarist on stage plays song called “She Only Loves Me In The Morning.”
  • Greek Myth characters Sisyphus, Medusa, Atlas and centaur answer what they are listening to on MP3 player headphones.

You searched for: singers