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Human body organs rock musicians tell heart drummer prefer it doesn’t skip heartbeat rhythm.
Punk rock musician woodchuck performs onstage concert for Groundhog Day fans audience crowd.
Thanksgiving leftovers and next course dessert pies bands perform onstage for cheering concert fans.
Bad music performance causes violent angry tomatoes’ gory smashed food fight chaos.
Trick or treater in cellphone costume tells scared man his favorite celebrity is trending on social media.
Scary movie monsters listen to zombie slow jams, swamp creature, surf, mad scientist experimental and Friday the 13th Jason deep cuts musical styles.
Single celled musician sings break up song while ex splits dividing cell.
Autocorrected Xmas spelling parodies Santa Claus cat paw sanitizer, Rudolph rude Frozen snowman Olaf, Elvis Presley elves & frothy Frosty face beer mug.
Annoyed female bird thinks male’s bad karaoke song is worse than his mating dance.
Parrot guitarist tells bird concert audience the next song isn’t original either.
Coffee cup guitarist on stage plays song called “She Only Loves Me In The Morning.”
Greek Myth characters Sisyphus, Medusa, Atlas and centaur answer what they are listening to on MP3 player headphones.