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You searched for: sick

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  • In hospital, Rudolph mistakenly gets all of Operation Man's parts taken out.
  • Bird offers tissues to frustrated turkey, mistook snood skin beak drip for runny nose.
  • Optimistic shriveled hospital balloon survives months longer than doctors anticipated.
  • Seed covered plain flavor bagel says gesundheit to sneezing everything bagel in bakery.
  • Veggies denying child refuses to eat dinner vegetables, tells mother he has asparagus hesitancy.
  • Doctor tells Chanukah dreidel top at medical appointment it’s spinning vertigo dizzy spells are seasonal.
  • Peacock says gesundheit to blank tail bird who sneezed off feather spot pattern.
  • Supermarket grocery cart says gesundheit to empty cart that sneezed customer’s food on messy aisle floor.
  • Paranoid conspiracies cat tells shopper cat government tracking kitty litter misinformation rumor.
  • Nurse uses all-natural kitten claws for hospital patient blood test needles.
  • Cat says it got vet shots but hesitant cat believes crazy Garfield tracking chip vaccination lies.
  • Bagel doctor tells bagel patient it’s tests say it has everything.

You searched for: sick