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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Kitchen funnel teacher’s focusing lesson stressful for struggling strainer pupil but easy for classmate funnels.
Medical exam patient tells Doctor about misspelled dizzy childhood spelling bee mistake.
Two workers named Victor write History on school classroom door window.
Mom on computer shopping Back -To-School clothing sale website sees pants discontinued as son does remote learning in underwear.
Wah-wah voice teacher from Shultz’s Charlie Brown cartoon gets summer job at fast food restaurant drive thru speaker.
Homeschool student can’t do remote learning with playful cats and dog class clowns’ distractions.
Annoyed devil dad in hell tells excited demon son for the zillionth time it’s not a snow day.
Frustrated Warner’s Brothers roadrunner SLP teacher in speech therapy teaches roadrunner to say Beep Beep, not Meep Meep.
Cactus tells high school reunion classmates don’t mention balding cacti’s obvious porcupine toupee.
Chameleon teacher isn’t sure if missing student is absent or best camouflaged color changing student in class.
Kitten shows classroom of cat students bag of cat hair shed over summer vacation.
Mr. Potatohead gives diploma to graduating Potatohead student.