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Guilty man feels bad for immoral online shopping, avoids woman when forgot name, doesn’t leave good review or feed dog food scraps.
Mountain biking man rides bumpy trail and is sprayed in face by soda can, thinks seltzer water a bad idea.
Pet owners with talking dog begging for table scraps regret getting canine speech chip technology.
Christmas tree on laptop regrets waiting till only lopsided trees left on online dates website.
Sad man regrets buying negative room-darkening window shades for room.
Annoyed man driving car regrets buying spoiler telling him movie’s surprise plot twist.
Man in virtual reality headset plays video game reliving life to say the things he wish he had.
Dog asks crying dog reading squirrels never caught book why it reads such sad books.
Counselor asks depressed word the in therapy if it was removed from Facebook before it got big.
Sad man changes sharing size candy wrapper to shaming size after eating whole bag.
Toilet paper congratulates smaller TP roll for weight loss but it says it’s not sure it was worth it.
BBQ grill charcoal sees charcoal pencil drawing and regrets not being an art major in college.