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  • Hungry hamster works out on pellet-on Peloton exercising toy running to reach pet dish incentive lure.
  • Infant refuses bottle feeding dad, prefers mother’s locally sourced breasts milk.
  • Branch arm snowman used mad snowman roommate’s potted plant to reach upper shelves.
  • Telecommuting pet owner can’t reach computer to work with cats and dogs piled on her lap.
  • Dog tells sneaky date stealing food she’s lost in his eyes but not that lost, grabbing his paw.
  • Angry cat is annoyed it can’t knock off Christmas tree ornaments hung too high.
  • Tyrannosaurus dino at beach has red sunburn everywhere its short arms can’t apply sunscreen.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur couple wears arm extensions to hug each other on Valentine’s Day.

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