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You searched for: programming

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • The show 'World's Most Annoying Commercials' has unlimited possibilities.
  • A woman has experience writing IM'ing shorthand, as computer code.
  • A computer has a conflict running the "Walk" and "Chew Gum" programs together.
  • A woman understands fuzzy logic when her computer gets covered in cat fur.
  • A man celebrates finishing the last of the spam on New Years Day.
  • A man rates TV shows for the fall by watching them on a wall of TVs and shooting the TVs whose shows he doesn't like.
  • The easy computer programming book is 101, but the advanced computer programming book is a long string of zeroes and ones.
  • Mice get into a family's Y2K provisions because a cat wants to stock up on food too.
  • Cinderella's fairy godmother warns her about her spells' midnight compatibility.
  • Office workers solve the Y2K problem, but their boss wants them to work on Y10K.
  • A caveman uses a computer program to design the wheel.
  • An anteater is jealous that someone's program is full of bugs.

You searched for: programming