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Bottle floating in ocean tells bottle with rescue note to look inside self to see what it needs.
Corn therapist asks popped corn couple at appointment if their relationship sometimes gets heated.
Man on deserted island’s help sign written on sand brings therapist on rescue seaplane for therapy appointment.
Anxious devil in therapy says people are always just speaking of him when he enters rooms.
Drink bottle in relationship therapy with milk carton tells therapist they’re hard to open up.
Overwhelmed Russian nesting dolls in counseling tell therapist she just can’t contain herself.
Angry Disney’s Grumpy Dwarf in counseling complains everyone thinks he’s one dimensional but he’s annoyed, cranky, irritable, fed up…
Littlest Russian nesting doll on couch tells family therapist it’s not easy being a middle child.
Impatient criminal waits as confused executioner assembles messed up Ikea guillotine wrong.
Kitty psychiatrist says patient’s life feels off due to unresolved issues or inside-out ear.
Praying mantis on date at bar with decapitated mate complains we don’t talk anymore.
Dog at therapy appointment tells psychiatrist watching squirrel it wants someone to pay attention to them.