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You searched for: photography

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Man paints bikini model on house when wife wishes home looked like picture in magazine.
  • Prosecution asks Scarecrow on trial to explain a grainy photo if Scarecrow was not near crime scene.
  • A new camera reduces blinks by holding subjects' eyes open.
  • Assembly line for making cameras includes the ten pounds put onner part.
  • Picasso, Monet, Christo, and Da Vinci are portrayed as artists with very different inspirations.
  • Get the picture taken as you enter Heaven, like on a scary ride.
  • Photos are all natural memory enhancers.
  • A baby ignores his mother, and could become a bartender in the future.
  • Get a photo of Bobby Knight putting you in a chokehold.
  • A man has a lot of Megs on his computer.
  • A man shoots a cannonball from his Canon camera.
  • A camera tells his wife to stop complaining about her hot flashes.

You searched for: photography