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Monster loves the salt and pepper hair of the retirement home.
Mice use salt and pepper shaker furniture.
Beatrix Potter realizes she should have added spices when cooking Pigling Bland.
A kid restuffs his empty Halloween candy wrappers with japapenos so his dad won't steal his candy.
A cop who moonlights as a waiter offers his patrons pepper spray.
Product failures chunky pulp milk, caffeinated baby formula, salty Dr Pepper soda, Lee Press-On nose hair, sugar sweet toothpaste, stinky tuna Chicken of the Sea fish perfume, spicy cajun Preparation-H, gross leftover parts chicken soup, vegetable flavor popsicles & feline sleeping pills for insomniac cats.
Peter Pepper's wife threatens to leave him unless he picks something less spicy.
A salt shaker's parents don't understand why he wants to date another salt shaker instead of a pepper shaker.