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You searched for: obesity

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  • Woman tells overweight Saint Patrick surrounded by junk food snack wrappers that he is supposed to be ridding Ireland of snakes.
  • Fat Rodin Thinker sculpture becomes The Thicker eating junk food and watching TV.
  • One Zilla monster asks another eating a chocolate factory if it broke it’s New Year’s Resolution already.
  • Stocking filled with Christmas gifts says to another that it always puts on weight during the holidays too.
  • Woman at fair will guess your frenemy’s weight.
  • Salesman cat offers a fat cat a bigger size box but he doesn’t want one.
  • Fat witch regrets eating a whole gingerbread house.
  • Snowman thinks a man shoveling called him fat.
  • Hermit crab emerges from Weight Watchers with small shell.
  • Vertical Mummy Wrap is Figure Flattering.
  • Hermit crab asks if shell makes her butt look big.
  • Man can keep to his diet when he has to cook food that fits on small grill.

You searched for: obesity