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You searched for: nightmare

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  • A man has a dream every night that a stinky fish is crushing his chest, but actually his cat is sitting on his chest and breathing on his face.
  • The Scream is so upset because he accidentally sent a Reply All email.
  • A man imagines a vampire sheep to get to sleep.
  • A woman reads The Giving Tree to her son and has nightmares about him harvesting her organs.
  • A dog owner's worst nightmare is a mix of a skunk and porcupine, or a skunkupine.
  • Fourth of July fireworks trigger Wile E. Coyote's memories of dynamite explosions.
  • Noise machine plays jaws theme instead of ocean sounds.
  • One of the downsides of having a dreamcatcher is the wife finding the floozy from your dreams.
  • Mother's creative writing class makes bedtime uneasy for Dewey dreaming of bedbugs.
  • An autumn leaf has a dream about falling out of the tree.
  • Christmas ornaments watch a movie called Nightmare Before Christmas where a cat bats at an ornament.
  • A boy has a dream about taking a test in school while naked.

You searched for: nightmare