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Shocked Russian nesting dolls smash open donkey pinata full of smaller pinatas layers.
Couples counselor says it’s great kid filled piggy bank dad & money full Russian nesting doll couple switched traditional family roles.
Ultrasound doctor tells pregnant Russian nesting doll she will be a mother, grandmother & great-grandmother.
Littlest Russian nesting doll on couch tells family therapist it’s not easy being a middle child.
Matryoshka dolls at reunion party stack together in biggest nesting doll relative.
Russian nesting doll carrying kids inside brags to baby pouch kangaroo mother.
Russian nesting dolls mother warns TV scary part soon & children hid watching inside.
Matryoshka doll asks Russian nesting doll why she’s chuckling and she says inside jokes.
Russian nesting doll tells other babushka doll anxious daughter outside has claustrophobia.
Scared matryoshka dolls jump out when Nurse with vaccination syringe says will feel pinch.
Russian nesting doll compliments doll’s lost weight and she answers her kids moved out.
Cop pulls over Russian nesting doll driver in car for driving in a high occupancy lane.