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You searched for: neighborhoods

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  • Scary tree removal police officer patrolling neighborhood intimidates frightened trees.
  • Home buyer bunnies ask real estate rabbit if there’s anything to disclose as neighbor dog watches out window.
  • Godzilla wearing eat locals t-shirt devours local people in demolished city.

  • Cat judge sentences guilty cat on trial to 16 blocks inside a moving car.
  • Hairs on head browse ear, nose and back retirement community website on laptop.
  • Owner walking dog sees peaceful neighborhood while dog only sees toilets.
  • Bob Dylan uses an electric powered lawnmower to cut the grass.
  • Lack of privacy for fish leads to no sex.
  • Dog takes neighbor's fence because he peed on it to mark it as his.
  • Woodpeckers retire to Balsa Acres.
  • Bird watches bird neighbors and claims it is a legitimate hobby.

You searched for: neighborhoods