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You searched for: legends

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  • A Christmas tree tells horror stories about being cut down in front of a campfire.
  • Everything Queen Midas touches turns to shoes.
  • Researchers looking for Bigfoot find Bigcankle instead.
  • Scallops are jealous of seashells whose job is being mermaid's bra.
  • Phil won't visit mother-in-law on Groundhog's Day as he claims to be afraid of shadow.
  • Judge called the hangin' judge for his style of hanging out in the courtroom.
  • Secret agent tells unicorn that if anything goes wrong on the mission, they will deny he exists.
  • William Tell's son gets bull's eye mark from Lyme's Disease as father shoots at apple.
  • George Washington's mother puts cherries in all the food so he cuts down cherry tree.
  • Ponce De Leon doesn't drink from the Fountain of Youth when its full of babies.
  • William Tell's son wants him to aim higher, while the worm in the apple wants him to aim lower.
  • A man tells legends after drinking too much bourbon.

You searched for: legends