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You searched for: irish

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  • Snakes can’t pay beer rounds bill at bar because they don’t have pockets so frustrated Saint Patrick drives them out of Ireland.
  • Disguised snake in fake glasses, nose and mustache hides identity from angry Saint Patrick ranting at bar.
  • Onlookers at St Patrick’s Day beer truck accident on highway weep over puddle of spilled beer.
  • Woman tells overweight Saint Patrick surrounded by junk food snack wrappers that he is supposed to be ridding Ireland of snakes.
  • Man wearing blue at pub on St. Patrick’s Day hits on yellow dress woman, says they should mix to make green.
  • The leprechaun’s pot at the end of the rainbow is filled with bitcoins.
  • Leprechaun takes his dog Rainbow for a walk but says there’s no pot of gold at the dog’s end.
  • Leprechaun uses phrase from Scarface to announce he's holding a cleaver.
  • St Patrick wishes he had driven mosquitoes out of Ireland instead of snakes.
  • A man gets a green fungus disease, but it's on St. Patrick's Day.

You searched for: irish