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Punk rock musician woodchuck performs onstage concert for Groundhog Day fans audience crowd.
Absent minded classical grand piano remembers forgotten musical note keys left on bedside table.
Thanksgiving leftovers and next course dessert pies bands perform onstage for cheering concert fans.
Single celled musician sings break up song while ex splits dividing cell.
Overreacting father pours sports drink on wet embarrassed daughter at violin recital in over the top celebration.
Dogs audience says dog concert performer by piano best at tinkling the ivories.
Cat teaching piano lesson to kitten on keyboard to play song again with more discord.
Parrot guitarist tells bird concert audience the next song isn’t original either.
Noisy car stereo music annoys old man but loud speakerphone rash talk grosses out young people in cafe.
Piano woman warns other at bar to watch out for a sleazy player piano man about to hit on them
Principal at Charlie Brown’s school tells slide trombone instrument teacher students can’t understand her voice.
Flute and clarinet gossip about saxophone in sunglasses at the bar’s rumored musical stamina holding a note.