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You searched for: improve

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Psychologist tells groundhog therapy will help his shadow fears as scary clowns sneak up behind him.
  • Colored paint splatters cover pranked man’s face and clothes in paintball pinball game joke.
  • Man reads list of red ink altered New Year resolutions changed to dogs’ wants as dog naps with marker.
  • Contractor in group of construction workers repairing building greets audience, taking down the fourth wall of comic.
  • Repair man tells homeowner if she didn’t want stormy weather in house she should get an anti-storm door.
  • Man burns roof of mouth on hot pizza and tiny repair man climbs ladder to fix it.
  • Wine bottle is excited when red wine comes to life and is breathing.

  • Potatohead parents put on more eyes so that they can watch daughter with boyfriend.
  • House gives gift of home improvement tips book.

You searched for: improve