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You searched for: icy

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  • Snow woman complains that melting snowman date’s online profile said he was taller and he answers he was that morning.
  • Sad snowman reads newspaper obituaries of snowmen that melted on a beautiful sunny day.
  • Dog melts snow with urine.
  • Frog's tongue gets stuck to frozen pole.
  • Beer mug becomes frosty when boyfriend calls her stout.

  • Snowflake needs to change outdate raindrop profile pic.
  • Yet another marketing failure: an ice shower.
  • A penguin is all white and his tuxedo markings were a rental.
  • Mosquito tries to convince woman to date him before first frost kills him.
  • Two trucks salt and then pepper a road.
  • People love watching snowflakes fall, and snowflakes love watching people fall.
  • A slug salts the walkway after a snowstorm.

You searched for: icy