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You searched for: icons

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cat drags in dead bird with computer mouse cursor.
  • Lucky leaves cereal mascot party to get lucky with some women.
  • Kool Aid can't compete with the energy and stamina of coffee pot.
  • Superman in doctor's office explains it takes him two bounds to leap tall buildings.
  • At New Year's Eve party Mr. Bubble refuses champagne since he'd feel like a cannibal.
  • Godzilla throws Orville Redenbacher into his mouth like a piece of popcorn.
  • T-shirts with emoticons on them are used to end spoken sentences
  • Glinda the Good Witch tells Dorothy to go to her home page.
  • When the Rice Krispies brothers get old, their joints snap, crackle, and pop.
  • The Green Giant dies and is buried in a giant compost bin.

You searched for: icons