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You searched for: hr

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A woman tells her husband to put his best foot forward at a job interview, but one of his feet is rotten and disgusting.
  • A woman tapes her fortune cookies' endorsements to her resume for a job application.
  • A tattoo artist applies to a tattoo parlor with a resume tattooed on his chest.
  • A chair applies to a job, but the only jobs available are for desks.
  • A Hindu god says she's a people person when she applies for a job.
  • A woman's resume lists her developmental achievements from when she was a baby.
  • A sausage company hires a pig because he's got guts.
  • A man gets turned down for a job position because he reminds the interviewer of someone he hated in high school.
  • A man misconstrues his boss's comments for his resume as he fires him.
  • Woman sitting in front of peaceful picture of houses, trees, and sunshine finds out she's not getting a job because she needs stronger background.
  • Grim Reaper applies for job at Fred's Funeral Parlor, and man tells him that he is over-qualified.
  • One acrobat says to another, Derekson, as he holds him on the trapeze, they are downsizing the act, and he has to let him go.

You searched for: hr