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Suspicious onion at cinema ticket booth thinks adult movie customer three pea children in trench coat disguise.
Snobby acorn wearing french beret nutshell arrives at nuts party as annoyed walnut says here comes Mr. Pretentious.
Kitties wearing teenager hoodie sweatshirt & pants costume’s fresh hamster order surprises pet store owner.
Motion sight predator Tyrannosaurus at dinosaur executives meeting says company vision is based on movement.
Cat fur covered man uses lint brush to clean dirty clothes but hairs returned instantly, asks kitty how & replies it’s a trade secret.
Young Talking Heads musician David Byrne wears huge oversized diapers in earlier childhood style.
Embarrassed bed pillow dreams it’s pillow case falls off onstage & is naked before pillows audience.
Shocked Russian nesting doll skateboarders switch body halves riding around street corner.
Guests wear protective pet hair hazmat suits in multiple cat shed fur covered home.
Man covered in huge poo splat picks guilty Big Bird from criminal birds suspects line-up.
Clean humor clown trapped in washing machine & dry humor dead clown in laundry dryer.
Dry cleaning guy painfully rubbing starchy Mr. Potatohead on ironed shirt asks customer if he said extra starch.