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You searched for: futility

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • An elderly M&M's m-shaped breasts become w's because they're saggy.
  • Man climbs mountain to ask guru about the meaning of life and finds the grim reaper.
  • Guru cat only knows the meaning of life number two.
  • Hamster is trying to escape by tunneling but is unsuccessful because he's in a "Habitrail."
  • The maternity ward has inboxes and outboxes labeled Innies and Outies.
  • A mug of hot tea tries to flirt with a cup of iced tea.
  • The North Wind plays a prank on a snow blower by redirecting his snow.
  • A dog plays a video game where you chase your own tail.
  • Everything a spider does is 4 steps forward and 8 steps back.

You searched for: futility