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Frustrated broken eggshell Humpty Dumpty missed smartphone Twitter icy winter weather warning & slips off wall.
Mouse asks fortuneteller cat Christmas gift prediction & she answers a stalking.
Pumpkin fortuneteller predicts pumpkin approached by carving knife will lose weight.
Fortune teller cat tells mouse sees in crystal ball prediction someone want to play with it.
Firework with smartphone weather app sees sudden 1200 degree heat rise Fourth of July hourly temperature forecast.
Fortuneteller sees four potential matches for puzzle piece’s sides in crystal ball.
Snowman sees sunny weather forecast on smartphone app and thinks he’ll go down a size tomorrow.
Turkey with cellphone weather app thinks 350 degree Thursday forecast can’t be right.
Cat is upset by fortune teller’s prediction that it’s living its best life.
Guide identifying cumulus, cluttered accumulus, square cube cubulus and goofy waving Fred clouds.
Mouse caught by cat yells “you said the coast was clear!” at mouse in hole reading sunny and breezy coastal weather forecast on cellphone app.
Wind energy turbine sees windy weather forecast on smartphone app and thinks it will be working again tonight.