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You searched for: fleas

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  • Flea uses GPS to get to and from dalmatian's spots.
  • Wandering within a dog's furry coat, a flea is polling fellow fleas about the dog's direction.
  • Ticks moving because of cat's purring contentment.
  • Cats try to find a new place for a flea collar and regain a prime patting area.
  • A dog goes to hell.
  • Cats in a football huddle decide on the flea flicker.
  • Flea claims to have been to woodstock the bird but no one believes him.
  • A tiny woman recieves the bad news that her rug lawn has rugrats.
  • The truth about dandruff is that it's debris from flea parties.
  • Dr. Seuss tried a lot of failed options before coming up with the Cat in the Hat.
  • Lice watch Rapunzel at a stag party.
  • Fleas retreat to a cat's tail because the cat got a flea collar.

You searched for: fleas