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You searched for: financial

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Owner finds piggy bank empty but pig wearing fancy jewelry.
  • Full service ATM disperses lollipop to child while mother does banking.
  • Only those talking about the economy are thriving in this economy.
  • Ozzy Osbourne's accountant tells him his family's income is tied up in a swear jar.
  • Company decides to switch from nickel and diming to quarter and dollaring.
  • A man complains that the bank is gerbil and hamstering him to death.
  • A man quits his modeling job before fully vested.
  • A researcher can't lose his grant because he's accidentally made himself half beaver and needs money to turn back.
  • A man who got his bookkeeping system upgraded to software tries to pay the contractor on paper.
  • Concert tickets are so expensive, not even remortgaging the house can pay for them.
  • This improved dryer has a slot for lint collection, as well as money collection.
  • This family uses the wagging tails of their dogs as a power source.

You searched for: financial