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You searched for: explaining

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • An orange gives birth to lemons and her husband is suspicious.
  • A screw has the se talk with his son.
  • A dog has a cone on his butt because he had surgery there.
  • Frankenstein solves Einstein's equation with "fire = bad".
  • Son thinks garden mower is used to cut garden rather than lawn.
  • Dog thinks people claim chocolate is bad for dogs so they don't have to share.
  • Man gets implantable defibrillator that jolts heart and pokes you on Facebook.
  • Bee's own vibrations offset the vibrations from cellphone so it remains still.
  • Therapist falls asleep while patient describes long dream.
  • The boss is upset over coffee expenses and one man noticeably has caffeine jitters.
  • The truth about dandruff is that it's debris from flea parties.
  • Pinocchio falls in love with a tree.

You searched for: explaining