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Kids searching for hidden Easter eggs stolen by Ninja Sloth confused when all are missing.
Annoyed Humpty Dumpy egg smashed by fall from wall reads Life is about balance fortune cookie.
Huge Humpty Dumpty asks mother why only child but frazzled bird in nest says she hasn’t recovered from traumatic birth.
Humpty Dumpty high on wall thinks ants tiny people in distance but bugs eat smashed yolk after falling.
Therapist tells wife in couples counseling putting up walls triggers traumatized Humpty Dumpty husband.
Birds say rope pulled from embarrassed man’s fallen sweat pants perfect string to finish nest.
Greek myth Medusa & hair snakes eat full carton of 12 eggs for breakfasts.
Gross caviar dish warns party guest it’s high quality but has sat out for four hours.
Autocorrected breakfast texts fix bagel hole beagle dog, human face man cake pancakes, scrambled egg scribbles & avocado foot toes.
Eggs religion pastor preaches Miracle Whip mayonnaise resurrected Humpty Dumpty brand parody religious service.
Colorful decorated Easter eggs crowd shocked by naked blank egg streaking outdoors public nudity surprise.
Expired older Humpty Dumpty apologizes to surprised lover for disappointing sexual performance with past best by dates excuse.