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You searched for: desert

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  • A man wearing a top hat in a desert is worried he overdressed.
  • Cat uses sand as litter box and ostrich uses same sand to bury head.
  • Thirsty tiger in desert can only think of finding a water buffalo.
  • In desert, man pretends to drink beer from an app on his cellphone.
  • Man crawling across desert tells friend not to draft.
  • Man finds the perfect skipping stone but has no water to skip it on.
  • A pregnant camel's water breaks, making her hump disappear.
  • The Grim Reaper is out of work after killing the only tree on the island.
  • Psychiatrist abandons a patient fearful of abandonment.
  • It's like a reverse thanksgiving for this turkey vulture when it finds its mean.
  • Snakes have custom rattle tones, instead of ring tones.
  • The three wise men bring incense to cover up the smell of baby Jesus' diapers.

You searched for: desert