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You searched for: collar

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  • Kleptomaniac dog steals all the collars from other dogs at support group.
  • Veterinarian has giant cone for wounded giraffe.
  • A cobra is uptight and has a square cowl.
  • Humpback whale lives rock star life since his song was recorded by marine biologist.
  • Cat puts on Mother-In-Law collar to repel mother-in-law during visit.
  • A broken hearted dog wears cone collar to display his feelings.
  • Cow wife suspects bull husband of cheating because of cowlick.
  • A booth where cats can have their collars 'lost.'
  • Cats try to find a new place for a flea collar and regain a prime patting area.
  • Mark updates Mary Had a Little Lamb, Three Men in a Tub, and Goosey Goosey Gander for the modern age.
  • Fleas retreat to a cat's tail because the cat got a flea collar.
  • A cat tells her frisky boyfriend that he needs to wear a flea collar for protection during sexual intercourse.

You searched for: collar