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Nicotine gum happens when Gumby smokes too many cigarettes.
Smokey Bear's wife puts up a sign saying her and her husband's bedroom is a smokey-free environment.
A dog goes on a patch so he'll stop being addicted to chasing cars.
A young cat buys a bunch of items from the drug store so he can get catnip without being carded.
A woman scatters her husband's ashes on her neighbor's beautiful lawn while her husband smokes in the den.
Squid's meals are ruined by secondhand ink.
A firecracker realizes smoking is bad for him.
A man wears a nicotine patch while his cat wears a catnip patch.
Spider tells psychiatrist how female spider lit a cigarette, looked him in the eye, and said they didn't call him "itsy bitsy spider" for nothing.
If people looked like breath smelled, first boss is dog, subway man is onion, some people are cigarettes, 8th grade teacher is pile of poop.