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You searched for: church

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  • A mashmallow preacher warns his followers that they will burn in S'Mores Hell if they don't repent.
  • Church takes "Where's Waldo" approach and asks members to find God.
  • Man wins lotto after dying so all his numbers are up.
  • Priest posts people's confessions in his web blog.
  • This man's ring tone is 'Highway to Hell', which goes off during a church service.
  • A cat forms a lobby group to get God's name changed to Tac.
  • Angels remember when the bell that gave them their wings rang.
  • A man promises to go to church every Sunday if his mother didn't find out he broke a lamp when he was a boy.
  • Dust mites might see their dead friend again as dust.
  • The four inventors of the cubicle die at once and are buried in one compartmentalized coffin.
  • Peanuts going into a peanut butter factory have heard that peanuts become spiritually unified inside.

You searched for: church