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You searched for: chimneys

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Santa on laptop plans 75 million Christmas Eve sleigh trip stops on air travel website.
  • Stocking filled with Christmas gifts says to another that it always puts on weight during the holidays too.
  • Stocking hung by fire says gesundheit to one that has sneezed Christmas gifts all over room.
  • Abraham Lincoln wears complete stove as his formal hat.
  • Harry uses the Floo Network on Christmas and collides with Santa in chimney.
  • Trend of smaller socks becomes a bad idea for Christmas stockings.
  • Santa feels like a round peg in a square hole.
  • A girl makes a larger chimney so she can get a pony.
  • Santa installs the operating system 'Chimneys XP' on his computer.
  • Santa loses his pants while going down a chimney.
  • A house doesn't have a chimney, so Santa has to use an axe to break through the roof.
  • Child asks mom how Santa will get in house since they have no chimney, Santa is on the roof with an axe.

You searched for: chimneys