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Cat forgets New Year’s Eve party confetti but kitty guests cheer improvised shed pet hair midnight countdown celebration substitution.
Thanksgiving leftovers and next course dessert pies bands perform onstage for cheering concert fans.
Relaxed hyena under tree says it feels balanced by weeping willow.
Sad glass patient feels half empty before therapist appointment but has optimistic half full positive outlook after.
Turkeys audience likes movie of turkey with stuffing behind man coking Thanksgiving dinner.
Enthusiastic therapy dog psychiatrist helps cheer up patient at counseling appointment.
Dog is a motion detector when barking out window and an emotion detector when comforting sad owner.
Pinatas cheer for payback movie of vengeful pinata chasing people with stick.
Rudolph and Toucan Sam battle in the boxing ring for which nose to follow.
A lap dog dreams of yipping so annoyingly that he scares Godzilla away from the city.
A broom reassures a book in a bar that smartphones won't make it obsolete.
A new sports fan can't figure out what other fans are pointing at with their foam fingers.