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You searched for: cans

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cheese goes in restroom to urinate, making Cheese Whiz.
  • Woman on laptop uses opening can and shaking treats noise cat finding program to call missing pet.
  • Yucky starfish can parodies StarKist brand package and Charlie the Tuna with grossed out mascot.
  • Cranberries audience watches scary movie of canned cranberry sauce blob squish city.
  • Cans worry that the can-ivorous can eating goat will get them soon.
  • Bottle opener therapist fails at getting can to open up during therapy session.
  • Just like housecats, lions get bored eating same prey day after day.
  • Bumble Beast polluted tuna parodies Bumble Bee tuna.
  • Mongoose is disappointed can of snakes is actually can of nuts.
  • Tin cans watching video of wedding say they are still recovering from honeymoon.
  • To get DNA sample from suspect, Detective sends in soda can.

You searched for: cans