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You searched for: cafe

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  • Angry cafe customer complains to barista about insulting pumpkin spite coffee cup sticking out tongue.
  • Coffee beans dancing in nightclub grind bodies together in sexy dance.
  • Barista gives cafe customers in face masks coffees with mumbled names cups.
  • Customer doubts misspelled sign coffee shop will spell name right.
  • Coffee mugs gossip mug is in short term relationship with disposable cup date.
  • Blurry picture of too much caffeine espresso business founder in office is painted with shaking lines.
  • Noisy car stereo music annoys old man but loud speakerphone rash talk grosses out young people in cafe.
  • Godzilla destroying city only eats half a Starbucks cafe because it’s too late for caffeine.
  • Man tells cashier he lost his phone and she says to leave his number to call him if they find it but later he realizes it’s impossible.
  • Dog misses the point when rude cat barista misspells name stupid jerk wad.
  • Coffee cup asks annoyed female cup of coffee if her date was tall and she answers “only according to Starbucks.”
  • Coffee cup guitarist on stage plays song called “She Only Loves Me In The Morning.”

You searched for: cafe