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Post Honey Bunches of Oaks cereal brand parody has stinging bees, crunchy tree sticks & beehive and murder hornets.
Quaker Oats man asks annoyed hosts if he can sleep on couch after late party.
Cream of Wheat brand spoof canary birds instant cat breakfast cereal package.
Spoof gross Cheerios brand mushy oats cereal package oozes in mouth with no chewing.
Suspicious coffee cup confronts woman cheating with wine glass at night.
Grocery shopping dog buys canned pet food marketed with more disgusting horrible taste for dogs.
Dog in art studio thinks dog artist’s food and more food paintings get better and better.
Tired woman drinks coffee by stormy window, view changes to positive unicorn & rainbow, woman sad but coping.
Chipmunk at dinner tells embarrassed chipmunk store food in face cheeks not rear end.
Man in bed looks forward to extra time to sleep as Day Light Savings ends but cat hits face for food early morning.
Over caffeinated swamp monster in coffee mug scares man man eating breakfast.
Woman on laptop uses opening can and shaking treats noise cat finding program to call missing pet.