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You searched for: bbq

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Kiss the Cook apron quickly escalated to sex in bed.
  • Snake falls in love with similar looking grilled hot dog

  • Anteater cooks ants from anthill with magnifying glass.
  • Ray's specialties are all smoked because his barbecue is always full of smoke.
  • Dante's nine circles of grill include varying degrees of burnt foods.
  • Hamburger Helper gets a ladder to help burgers climb onto the grill.
  • South Pork is a show like South Park, but about pigs.
  • Husband with flaming grill asks about wiggle room for medium rare request.
  • Woman wonders if she ate big spider that was hiding in the grill.
  • Whoever catches the traditional thrown spatula will be the next to convince his wife he needs a new grill.
  • New phone app detects burned food and calls for pizza.

You searched for: bbq