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You searched for: ax

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Turkey's yoga class pays off as he avoids ax.
  • A turkey's head is cut off even though he read How To Keep Your Head in All Situations.
  • A turkey's Axe body spray repels other turkeys because of its name.
  • Turkey orders many pizzas for Thanksgiving in an attempt to save himself.
  • Man surprised when he is beheaded by Axe Body Spray.
  • With a variety of weapons beyond the bow and arrow, cupid mixes it up this Valentine's Day!
  • Christmas Tree newscaster reports that Santa Claus is ax murderer.
  • A turkey is about to be cut off so the turkey hangs up the cell phone before really getting cut off.
  • A turkey wants to stretch before it starts running around, so it doesn't pull a muscle.
  • An executioner who can't concentrate invents rhinoplasty.
  • The untold story of Lizzie Borden.
  • A turkey thinks he survived the holidays, but is about to die.

You searched for: ax