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You searched for: avoidance

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cats disguise themselves as person to avoid vet.
  • Man asks Grim Reaper if he can add minutes onto to his life through phone.
  • Cat puts on Mother-In-Law collar to repel mother-in-law during visit.
  • Humpty Dumpty thinks he outsmarts fate but sits on deceptively tall wall.
  • A teenager programs a Back To School chip in the TV that blocks all of the Back To School advertisements.
  • A horse gives his dentist a gift to get out of his appointment.
  • Man at end of Big Bird balloon carries umbrella in case there's bird excrement.
  • A woman avoids a man from the sales department by using Doo Doo Breath breath spray.
  • The last leaf on a tree wonders if the other leaves left because of his bad breath.
  • People eating garlic scampi sit very far away from each other.
  • Beelzebub goes to the doctor after sitting on his own tail.
  • An infographic shows how cats see humans.

You searched for: avoidance