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Builder constructing hippopotamus shaped Trojan horse asks if they can build something else as horses are too hard.
Horn helmet vikings push shopping carts at Raider Joe parody grocery store attacked by plundering Norse looters.
Scared lettuces cinema audience watches rabbit vegetable murderer horror movie.
Disgusted man watching television indifferent to gruesome gore violence is horrified actor chews food with mouth open.
Violent boot with knife chases scared shopper running out of clothing store advertising boot-cut jeans sign.
U.S.P.S. mail forever stamps’ immortality from Dracula stamp’s vampire fang bite.
Cat on smartphone sees today’s playlist of yarn, milk cap, crinkled paper, bug & human toes.
Trojan army rolls wooden cat but it wont go in direction they want.
Cat asleep on lap dreams biting mice but chomps owner’s fingers painfully.
Turkeys audience likes movie of turkey with stuffing behind man coking Thanksgiving dinner.
Spoof Olive Garden restaurant serves choking artichoke and Medusa gorgonzola monster pizza.
Man with swarm gun shoots attacking bees’ stingers at actor John Malkovich.