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You searched for: ate

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  • Polite family says Thanksgiving grace quietly before grabbing food in informal mess.
  • Couple celebrates after family left Thanksgiving dinner without talking about politics.
  • Bugs Bunny asks Warner Bros characters at empty table who put Wile E. in charge of getting bird.

  • Friends share Thanksgiving meal together while man eats with dog & cat pets.
  • Angry pet owner’s fat dog’s belly filled with empty Thanksgiving cornucopia fruits and veggies.
  • Fly apologizes for misheard shit sheet cake mistake & bug’s birthday disappointment.
  • Lying kitty fed pet food tricks doubtful owner’s lie detector interrogation.
  • Russian matryoshka dolls share bowl of soup with stacked measuring spoon set.
  • Man with red beam shining out of pet kitty’s bum tells wife he knows what happened to missing laser pointer toy.
  • Witch dining at restaurant eats eye of newt bowl with side dish of side-eye.
  • Trick or treating kid in authentic canine costume eats all the treat candies & wrappers shocking pet dog and owner.
  • Witch server asks spooky diner if she wants to order children or children’s menu meal to eat.

You searched for: ate