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You searched for: assembly lines

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Goliath, from the tale of David and Goliath, had jerseys made up before hand for after his victory.
  • A vampire is to blame for chocolate bunnies being hollow.
  • Beanie babies are vibrating because factory workers filled them with coffee beans.
  • It's hard to get cherries on the conveyor belt at the cordial factory because they're too polite.
  • A chicken wears a buillon proof vest to keep from being turned into soup cubes.
  • A factory sells jars of extra salty sweat.
  • A man works like there's no tomorrow making signs that say The End is Near.
  • A man who works at a machete, razor blade, and notepaper factory gets a paper cut.

You searched for: assembly lines