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Man waiting in boat worries catfish fishing scuba divers stuck at bottom with cat napping fish on laps have been under water for a long time.
Embarrassed bed pillow dreams it’s pillow case falls off onstage & is naked before pillows audience.
Exhausted mother cat with mischievous kittens says hardest part of having kids is not sleeping 20 hours a day.
Pet cats suddenly jump on startled sleeping lady checking if she is alright.
Cat friends switch warmed floor spots Valentines & kitties love cozy gifts.
Canine doctor diagnoses toy bone chewing dog’s sleeping squeaks after extensive research.
Pet owner walks in awkward chair squat to appointment with kitty asleep on lap.
Dreaming dog’s lying owner confesses breaking pet treats in half to canine courtroom judge & jury dogs.
Godzilla monster sleeps on melatonin supplement factory saving city for a solid 8 hours.
Hospital emotional support dog on smartphone fitness tracker achieves 20 lap goal cuddling elderly patients.
Boyfriend wears garish clashing clothes because cat napping in basket prevented washing laundry.
Police officer asks man to describe sleeping kitty suspect who stole his chair.