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Cat on massage table squishes body flat to avoid confused masseuse’s hands but says it’s fun.
Kid eating seedless watermelon asks what happened to seeds but elsewhere unlucky man has melon filled with all.
Player dogs on tennis court with balls stuffed in mouth wonder why ran out again.
Disgusted cat asks messy tongue drinking dog if any water got in mouth but it isn’t sure.
Boy on boat asks why ocean called squid cove & Dad scares squids’ black water ink defense.
Surprised man in bathroom asks pet cat & dogs audience when they installed theater seating.
All dogs playing at canine trivia game know obvious answer to who’s a good doggie?
Dog kid impatient no table scraps fed but mom dog begs & says trust the process.
Is the dog a jerk? is an easy question at cats’ trivia night game for kitty contestants to answer.
Annoyed waitress owner asks cat knocking salt shakers off table if it’s 8th time it asked for salt.
Counselor asks leprechaun in therapy about pot of goals instead of gold priority.
Infinite decimal digits pi looking in mirror asks 8 if butt looks big but number says being irrational.