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You searched for: april fool

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  • Two cats play a prank by putting dog food in another cat's bowl.
  • A man becomes Scarface after a cat is scarred and claws him.

  • Darth Vader pranks Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • Aliens pretend to be friendly on April Fool's.
  • Mr. Potatohead passes out drunk at Idaho University and his friends rearrange his body parts.
  • Jerry Springer says his guests are going to talk calmly and rationally on April Fool's Day.
  • Doctors use puppets to scare a woman giving birth on April Fools.
  • Scotty beams Captain Kirk's toilet paper away.
  • A bat puts Vaseline on a rock so his friend's feet won't stick to it.
  • A cat tries to get a dog fixed for April Fool's.
  • Someone tries to prank a store by asking if they have Prince Albert in a can, but the store belongs to cannibals who have Prince Albert in a jar instead.
  • A man in an orchestra plays a fool like the violin.

You searched for: april fool