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You searched for: witness

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A butter lawyer asks a defendant to identify a butter knife.
  • A dog climbs a mountain to receive wisdom and learns that disobedience is okay if no one sees it.
  • A lawyer can't put the fox on the stand because he doesn't know what he'll say.
  • Tree cops can't figure out how another tree died because no one heard anything.
  • Witness describes criminal exactly like artist creating the sketch.
  • Plastic surgeon accused of texting because woman now has 3 breasts.
  • Lawyer brings in surprise witness who sneaks up behind judge with an airhorn.
  • Lawyers shoot guilty t-shirts to the jury.
  • Gavel Boy quickly replaces judges broken courtroom gavel with new one.
  • Judge gets attention with chainsaw instead of gavel.
  • Camera on witness stand in courtroom lies about insurance money.
  • Man's converter box changes his religion instead of the digital t.v. signal.

You searched for: witness