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Mother bird regurgitates piñata treat candies for chick children’s birthday party game.
Flirting female peahen playing hide and seek game tricks male peacock to reveal tail feather plumage behind tree.
Suspicious onion at cinema ticket booth thinks adult movie customer three pea children in trench coat disguise.
Dogs meeting in park both mistake owner saying Stop it You’ve Already Eaten for names.
Kitties wearing teenager hoodie sweatshirt & pants costume’s fresh hamster order surprises pet store owner.
Underpaid dog cheated by owner’s half biscuit reward disappointed it earns less than minimum wage.
Lady wonders who used laptop to learn second language as pet cat chirps at birds of feeder outside window.
Excited dog runs to eat at automatic feeder pet bowl and kid’s high chair meal splatters mess.
Cat customer shops dispensary’s catnip cannabis herb varieties in jars.
Joking house key hides on keychain frustrating man opening locked door.
First deepfake is deep sea fish predator with glowing bioluminescent prey lure.
Kitty in window watches tiny mouse across street in dark but missed pet treats clearly in sight.