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You searched for: robot

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Smelly C-3PO’s bad body odor keeps Star Wars characters at a distance.
  • Rosie the Riveted robot parodies WW2 Rosie the Riverter icon.
  • R2D2 sees himself wearing a tutu and likes it.
  • Pencil horror film involves mechanical pencils attacking traditional pencils.
  • Various characters all show up to Halloween party dressed in same Minion costume.
  • R2D2 and C3P-0 hit on some female robots, but they say they aren't the droids they're looking for.
  • Santa gets drones to deliver Christmas presents, but they don't work very well.
  • A robot pretends to be smart and another robot says it's artificial intelligence.
  • C3P0 can't read his doctor's note.
  • The cartoonist lets his family come up with ideas for his father's day cartoon.

You searched for: robot